Shift Happens: Cyber-Physical Security Convergence as The New Paradigm

In anticipation of GSX, we sat down with presenters of upcoming sessions in order to get a better understanding of the topics at hand. This week we are featuring, “Shift Happens: Cyber-Physical Security Convergence as The New Paradigm,” presented by Jamshed Patel, VP of Product Engineering at Alert Enterprise. Read on for what he had to say and don’t forget to register for GSX 2024!

Q: How did you become interested in your topic? 

A: I became interested in the topic of cyber-physical security convergence due to the growing interconnectedness of digital and physical systems. As technology advances, the boundaries between cyber and physical security are increasingly blurred. The rise of smart cities, IoT devices, and industrial control systems exposed the vulnerabilities that exist at this intersection. Observing the impact of cyber-attacks on physical infrastructure and vice versa made me realize the critical need for a holistic approach to security. 

Q: Tell us about your presentation and why security professionals should have this topic on their radar. 

A: My presentation delves into the evolving landscape of cyber-physical security, highlighting how the integration of digital and physical security measures is becoming essential. I will discuss real-world examples of cyber-physical threats, such as attacks on critical infrastructure, and the potential consequences of failing to secure these systems. Security professionals should prioritize this topic because: 

  • Increasing Complexity and Interdependence: As systems become more interconnected, the potential for cascading failures across sectors increases. 
  • Broader Attack Surface: The convergence of cyber and physical realms expands the attack surface, making it more challenging to defend against sophisticated threats. 
  • Regulatory Compliance: Emerging regulations are beginning to address the need for integrated security measures, requiring organizations to adopt comprehensive security strategies. 

Q: What advice would you give security professionals interested in this topic?


  • Continuous Education: Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in both cyber and physical security domains. Attend workshops, webinars, and conferences. 
  • Holistic Approach: Develop a security strategy that considers both cyber and physical aspects. Understand how vulnerabilities in one domain can affect the other. 
  • Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration between IT and physical security teams. Ensure there is clear communication and shared objectives. 
  • Risk Assessment and Management: Conduct thorough risk assessments that include both cyber and physical threats. Implement robust risk management practices. 
  • Invest in Technology: Leverage advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and IoT for enhanced threat detection and response. 

Q: How do you see this issue evolving in the next 2-5 years?

A: In the next 2-5 years, I foresee several key developments: 

  • Increased Integration: There will be greater integration of cyber and physical security measures, driven by the need for comprehensive protection against evolving threats. 
  • Regulatory Frameworks: Governments and regulatory bodies will introduce more stringent guidelines and standards for cyber-physical security, pushing organizations to adopt integrated security practices. 
  • Advanced Threats: As attackers become more sophisticated, we will see more complex and targeted attacks that exploit the cyber-physical interface. 
  • Technological Advancements: Continued advancements in AI, machine learning, and IoT will provide new tools for detecting and mitigating threats, making security systems more resilient. 
  • Collaboration: There will be an increased emphasis on collaboration across industries, academia, and government to develop best practices and share threat intelligence. 

Q: Why do you attend GSX? 

A: I attend GSX for several reasons: 

  • Networking: GSX provides a unique opportunity to connect with security professionals from around the world, fostering valuable relationships and collaborations. 
  • Learning and Development: The conference offers a wealth of knowledge through its sessions, workshops, and keynote speeches, helping me stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in the security field. 
  • Innovation and Technology: GSX showcases cutting-edge technologies and solutions that can enhance security practices. It’s an excellent platform to discover new tools and approaches. 
  • Sharing Expertise: Presenting at GSX allows me to share my insights and experiences with a broad audience, contributing to the collective knowledge and advancement of the security community. 
  • Professional Growth: Attending GSX supports my professional growth by exposing me to new ideas, challenges, and solutions, helping me become a more effective security professional.