Fareed Zakaria, Scott Klososky to Kick-off GSX Keynote Lineup

The Global Security Exchange (GSX) keynote lineup will kick off on Monday and Tuesday with presentations from Fareed Zakaria, global thinker, columnist and CNN host, and futurist and technology visionary Scott Klososky.

Zakaria, host of CNN’s Peabody Award-winning “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” is former editor-at-large of TIME magazine, a three-time bestselling author, and one of Foreign Policy magazine’s Top 100 Global Thinkers.

At GSX, Zakaria will open the conference with an examination of important forces, developments, and risks affecting the global community. His remarks will encompass cyberthreats—espionage, ransomware, spear phishing—which know no boundaries. The once-local crime syndicates that have now metastasized over whole regions and continents. Global expansion and outsourcing, which means managing international teams and varying cultures. And more. With an emphasis on international intelligence and security, Zakaria will explore what it means to live in a truly global era.

Klososky returns as the GSX Tuesday keynote following his popular 2017 presentation, “The Technology Integration of Man.” Building on his continued involvement with chief security officers and ASIS stakeholders in the past year, Klososky will address the impact of today’s rapid digital transformation on security management and leadership. He will build a compelling case for managing and using technology—and knowing when not to use it—to gain a competitive advantage and lead successfully into the future.

The keynote speakers for Wednesday and Thursday morning will be revealed in the coming weeks. Attendees can register by 10 August to save $100 on their all-access pass. To learn more and to register, visit