Going from Evolution to Revolution

There is evolution – and then there is revolution.

Evolution is gradual change over time to adapt to a new environment, while revolution is a sharp and rapid change which is more complete and fundamental.
In 2019, Global Security Exchange (GSX) brings you a revolution.

This year, we have so many new things to show you, it’s almost easier to list what’s not new. You’ll still find a vast array of educational sessions – over 300 this year – to expand your knowledge and build your credentials within the industry. Once again you will have the opportunity to network with thousands of your peers. Our exhibit floor will again be filled with technology and solution providers showcasing the most advanced hardware and software available addressing today’s most challenging security issues—areas of keen focus for today’s security management, law enforcement, and homeland security professionals.

But it’s what’s new that makes this year revolutionary for GSX.

The exhibit hall will be transformed into a learning laboratory environment, showcasing new and emerging products and technologies such as machine learning, robotics, forensic analysis, and artificial intelligence.

There will be well over 100 new exhibitors at GSX 2019. Many are from new solution categories such as the audio/video and unmammed vechicle markets, as well as systems integration and managed service suppliers (IT integrators), who recognize the expanded role traditional security systems are playing across the enterprise.

GSX 2019 will propel the advancement and presentation of technology even further with a new dedicated area on the exhibit floor aptly named the Disruption District. Here, the latest technology innovations will be displayed, demonstrated, and discussed in a variety of micro-venues, including:

  • X Learning Stages, which will feature experiential sessions with topics and content designed to actively shape the future of security professionals.
  • The D3 (Drones, Droids, and Defense), which has been greatly expanded to provide demonstrations of the latest drone technologies for the air, land and underwater. Equally important, D3 will also feature solutions designed to counter infiltration from drone attacks.
  • The Startup Sector is dedicated to highlighting new companies at the forefront of new and emerging technologies impacting the security industry.
  • The Pitch Competition brings together an elite group of entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders to experience how some of the world’s most exciting early-stage startups pitch their innovations and concepts. Each company is given time to pitch, followed by Q&A and feedback from world class investors and top CSOs.
  • Innovative Product Award (IPA) winners will also have a dedicated area to showcase the industry’s newest, most innovative products, services, and technology solutions.

This year, we are extending learning opportunities beyond the traditional classroom setting. Our live-streaming Global Access LIVE! program will deliver GSX education sessions beyond the walls of the conference center to hundreds of security professionals around the world. These sessions – over 300 in number, led by ASIS and Infragard subject matter experts – will provide an immersive and interactive learning experience for security professionals at all experience levels—including an exclusive CSO track focusing on strategic security, business, and leadership topics.

The program is organized into 17 subject matter tracks, four general sessions, six certification reviews and pre-conference courses, and (new this year) gamechanger sessions. More than 220 ASIS subject matter experts across a wide spectrum of security subjects will deliver this massive education program.

Our new era of revolution is also reflected in the conference name itself, Global Security Exchange. While our new name was introduced last year, this year GSX fully delivers on its promise, demonstrating ASIS International’s commitment to uniting the full spectrum of security—cyber and operational security professionals from all verticals across the public and private sectors, allied organizations and partners, and the leading service and solution providers—for the most comprehensive security event in the world.

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