GSX 2025 (GSX) will take place at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana on 29 September – 1 October 2025. By registering for GSX, you agree to the following terms and conditions.
ASIS International (ASIS) reserves the right to update and change any part or all these Registration Terms and Conditions at any time without notifying you first. If any changes to these Registration Terms and Conditions have a material effect on the privacy of individuals, ASIS will follow applicable privacy regulation obligations. If ASIS updates or changes these Registration Terms and Conditions, the updated Registration Terms and Conditions will be posted on the GSX website. By registering for GSX, you hereby consent to these Registration Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.
ASIS International is requesting your personal information to be able to communicate with you meaningfully in response to your registration for this event. We will use this information for logistical, registration, communication, and information needs related to this event. You may always rescind or amend your consent, per the ASIS International Privacy Policy.
All attendees, exhibitors, speakers, and guests must be at least 18 years of age to attend GSX and all related events, including evening events.
All government/military and student attendees must upload a photo of a valid government/military or student photo ID when registering. In-person government/military and student attendees must show a valid government/military or student photo ID when picking up their badge.
GSX is open only to individuals involved with the security industry. The event is not open to the public.
ASIS, where applicable, provides technology and/or event related services in accordance with all applicable laws within the U.S. and in other jurisdictions where it conducts business. As such, ASIS may prohibit an individual from a restricted country or territory from GSX registration. All decisions are in ASIS’ sole discretion and shall be considered final.
To receive a refund, all cancellation requests must be made in writing and submitted to GSX 2025 Registration,, no later than Friday, 22 August 2025. All cancellations are subject to a $100 administrative fee. New registrations and cancellation requests received after Friday, 22 August 2025 are non-refundable. Foundation donations are non-refundable. Expo-only passes are non-refundable and non-transferable. Ticketed events are non-refundable and non-transferable.
International attendees: If you are not granted a visa, your registration fees will be reimbursed only if you provide with an official document from local immigration authorities, showing the visa rejection and that the application was made at least one month (no later than 29 August 2025) before GSX.
In lieu of a cancellation, attendees may request that their registration be rolled over to the other cohort – from in-person to digital, or from digital to in-person. Any difference in fees will be charged or refunded. All requests to rollover must be made in writing and submitted to GSX 2025 Registration,, no later than Friday, 26 September 2025. All decisions are in ASIS’ sole discretion and shall be considered final.
Requests for attendee substitutions must be made in writing by the original registrant to Please note: The substituted individual must be from the same organization as the original registrant. A maximum of one (1) substitution per original registrant is allowed. There will be a $25.00 processing fee for any substitution. All requests for substitution must be completed by 12:00 pm Wednesday, 1 October 2025.
ASIS will review special requests for refunds after GSX 2025 and no later than Monday, 20 October 2025. ASIS retains the right to determine what constitutes an emergency situation, if additional supporting documentation is required, and if a refund will be given. All decisions are in ASIS’ sole discretion and shall be considered final. Special requests for refunds submitted after Monday, 20 October 2025 will not be considered. ASIS will not refund due to travel carrier cancellations or other unforeseen incidents beyond attendees’ control. All attendees are urged to purchase personal travel insurance.
It is your sole responsibility to take care of visa requirements. If you require an entry visa, you must allow sufficient time for the visa application procedure. Your registration details may be shared by ASIS with the immigration authorities to assist in the process. However, ASIS will not contact embassies and consulates on your behalf.
To receive an invitation letter for GSX, you must first register and pay the registration fees in full. All registrants with a mailing address outside the U.S. will automatically receive an invitation letter.
If you are not granted a visa, your registration fees will be reimbursed only if you provide with an official document from local immigration authorities, showing the visa rejection and that the application was made at least one month (no later than 29 August 2025) before GSX. Requests for refunds due to an inability to obtain a visa must be submitted to no later than Monday, 20 October 2025.
You agree that you have read and understand the information outlined regarding the GSX 2025 Health & Safety Policies to attend GSX 2025 in person. You understand this information can change at any time. Further, you agree to all stipulations in the GSX 2025 Participant Assumption of Risk and Release document.
A government issued photo ID is required to pick up GSX badges. Photocopies and electronic copies are not considered an acceptable form of ID. GSX-issued credentials are the sole property of ASIS and must be surrendered upon demand to ASIS and/or its representatives or agents.
While onsite at GSX or designated off-site activities, GSX-issued credentials must be prominently displayed. Badge swapping and/or sharing is strictly prohibited. Any attendee or exhibitor found using another attendee’s or exhibitor’s badge or loaning out their badge to another individual will have the badge confiscated and will be removed from the premises, with the other individual. If such action is necessary, there will be no refund of fees paid to attendee or exhibitor, nor will ASIS International be liable for any damages including but not limited to any direct, incidental or consequential damages arising from or related to the attendee’s or exhibitor’s action or removal from GSX 2025.
False certification of an individual as an exhibitor’s representative, misuse of an exhibitor’s badge, or any other method or device used to assist unauthorized personnel to gain admittance to the Exhibit Hall will be just cause for expelling the exhibitor and the representative(s) from GSX and/or banning them from future entrance into GSX. This would also warrant the removal of the exhibitor’s booth from GSX without obligation on the part of ASIS to refund any fees. The exhibitor, their employees and agents, and anyone claiming to be in the Exhibit Hall through the exhibitor, waives any rights or claims for damages arising out of the enforcement of this rule.
For all Digital badge holders, login credential swapping and/or sharing is strictly prohibited. Any attendee suspected of or found using another attendee’s login credentials or loaning out their credentials to another individual will have their credentials revoked without refund.
Exhibiting, promotion or solicitation of products and services is allowed from designated exhibit booths only. Solicitation, distribution, advertising, displaying or promotion of any products or other materials or media outside of an exhibitors’ designated booth (suitcasing) is strictly prohibited. ASIS International retains, at its sole discretion, the right to cancel the attendee’s registration and to remove or require the removal of any Attendee whose networking or sales conduct is determined to be suitcasing. If such action is necessary, there will be no refund of fees paid to Attendee, nor will ASIS International be liable for any damages including but not limited to any direct, incidental or consequential damages arising from or related to the Attendee’s action or removal from GSX 2025.
You may be asked to scan your badge when attending sponsored sessions or when visiting exhibitor and/or sponsor booths for the purposes of conducting business and marketing communications regarding their own products or services.
If you agree to have your badge scanned, you are consenting to allow ASIS and its representatives and agents to share your contact data with such exhibitors or sponsors. You will be subject to such third party’s communications and privacy practices. If you wish to opt-out or exercise any applicable privacy rights you may have regarding these third-party communications, please exercise those rights directly with those third parties. Note that scanning your badge is optional and you may refuse.
Any individuals, companies, affiliated organizations, ASIS Communities and Chapters, exhibitors, advertisers, and/or sponsors wishing to meet and host functions during ASIS-approved dates and times in conjunction with GSX 2025 must submit an official request and receive ASIS approval prior to promotion and implementation of the event.
Due to the sensitive nature of products and displays at the show, professional photography and/or video recording of any booth by any attendee/exhibitor personnel is prohibited. Exceptions are made only when permission is obtained from the exhibitor whose booth/product is being photographed/videotaped and all individuals appearing in the photograph or video.
Registration and attendance at or participation in ASIS International meetings and other activities, including digital events, constitutes an agreement by the registrant to ASIS’ use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant’s or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions or audiotapes of such.
By registering for GSX 2025, you agree that you have read and will follow the ASIS International Code of Conduct. All attendees, presenters, exhibitors, sponsors, vendors, contractors, other service providers, and ASIS staff at GSX 2025 are required to adhere to the ASIS Code of Conduct. If you are the subject of unacceptable behavior as defined in the ASIS Code of Conduct or have witnessed any such unacceptable behavior and you have been unable to resolve the situation in another way, you may notify ASIS staff.
ASIS shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, strike, civil, governmental, or military authority, acts of God, acts of terrorism, acts of war, pandemic, contagions, health crises, travel restrictions, epidemics, the availability of the Venue (if applicable), or other similar causes beyond its reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of ASIS or its subcontractors such as power grid failures, internet outages, cyber warfare, cyber-attacks, ransomware attacks, cyber sabotage, civil war, sabotage or piracy. ASIS does not accept any liability on account of unavailability, interruptions, errors, viruses, or harmful components. For one or more of such reasons, ASIS may postpone, reschedule, or cancel GSX without liability on the part of ASIS. In the event GSX cannot be held or is postponed pursuant to this section, ASIS shall not be liable to attendee for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodations costs, or financial losses. ASIS will review refund and/or fee transfer requests, submitted in writing, for approval on a situational basis.
Under the guidance of the GSX security team and the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center’s Security Division, there shall be no weapons of any kind during GSX 2025 unless an individual has jurisdictional authority to be armed within the confines of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center’s complex, specifically, personnel of the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), Harbor Police Department (HPD) and Federal law enforcement personnel.