GSX 2025 Call for Presentations
Align with the world’s largest and most prominent association for security management, ASIS International, by bringing your knowledge to the Global Security Exchange (GSX) stage.
From proposal close to the main event, you’ll want to add these important dates to your calendar now.
- Call for Proposals Opens: 4 December 2024
- Call for Proposals Closes: 22 January 2025
- Community Review Opens: 5 February 2025
- Community Review Closes: 12 February 2025
- Online Review Opens: 18 February 2025
- Online Review Closes: 28 February 2025
- GSX Selection Committee Review Opens: 24 March 2025
- GSX Selection Committee Review Closes: 28 March 2025
- Session Notification Invitations Sent: Mid-April 2025
- Final PowerPoint and Handouts Due for Copyright Review: 3 September 2025
- GSX 2025: 29 September – 1 October 2025
Topics for Consideration
Industry trends and thought leadership in the following areas will be shared at GSX in 2025 — among the most relevant to the pursuit of security management today:

As a reviewer, you will work to ensure a robust education program and guarantee the quality of education at GSX 2025.
As a volunteer for the proposal review process, you’ll want to add these dates to your calendar now.
- Call for Reviewers Opens: 4 December 2024
- Call for Reviewers Closes: 22 January 2025
- Online Review Opens: 18 February 2025
- Online Review Closes: 28 February 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I get involved with GSX versus a different industry event?
Unlike other security-industry events, GSX is produced by ASIS International, the world’s largest association for security management professionals. Involvement in GSX directly supports the funding of scholarships for security professionals and the administration of essential industry certifications, standards, and guidelines. By the industry and for the industry, GSX is where a global audience of leading professionals and partners showcase their knowledge, products, and services through an in-person trade show and an easy-to-use, safe, and secure platform.
What are the proposal requirements?
All proposals (limit two per person) must be submitted using the online form. To ensure that your proposal is complete upon submission, it must include the following requirements:
- Session title
- 115-word abstract
- Three action-oriented learning objectives
- Topic of focus
- Session structure
- Preferred session length
- Target audience and experience level
- Geographic application
- Industry application
- Complete list of speakers (4 maximum) needs to be added to the proposal for consideration
- If session is to have a Moderator, the Moderator is included within the count of 4
- Agree to hold harmless and indemnify ASIS for any claims, suits, or damages relating to any copyright infringement based on materials included within your presentation(s)
- Assume cost of any fines and defense should copyright infringement charges be brought based on the content, images, and video provided in your presentation(s)
What are the proposal guidelines?
ASIS International strives to conduct an equitable review process and therefore requests that you follow these guidelines:
- Proposals should not reference speaker name(s) or company(ies) in the title, abstract, or learning objectives, and commercially biased content should not be submitted
- Proposals should be neutral and educational in nature
- Accepted speakers should be committed, responsive, and adhere to deadlines
- Accepted speakers can present no more than two sessions at GSX
- Content submitted should be original and not previously presented
- All accepted speakers must register at the reduced speaker rate and be responsible for all travel costs
What are the requirements for reviewers?
All reviewers will be approved by ASIS International staff. In order to qualify, you must:
- Have expertise and professional experience in the security industry
- Possess previous experience reviewing proposals for related conference or publications (preferred)
- Have attended GSX within the last five years
- Be committed to completing an online review of all assigned submissions between 18-28 February 2025
How does the selection process work?
ASIS International’s selection process is intended to ensure members of the security management community are represented in the content created for security professionals at GSX. To accomplish this, ASIS widely solicits proposals from security professionals and requests valuable input from peers, volunteer leaders, and professional staff.
- Community Review: Given their significant expertise within the topics to be delivered and their valued role as ASIS volunteers, the Community Chair and Vice-Chair will review content submitted for the community in which it represents.
- Online Review Committee: Selected through an open call to ASIS members and future members, approximately 100 ASIS reviewers anonymously evaluate proposals received within their area(s) of expertise, using the following criteria:
- Title
- Abstract
- Learning outcomes
- Audience engagement and interaction
- Relevance
- Benchmark/best practice
- Innovation
- Adaptability
- GSX Selection Committee: A diverse conference advisory committee identifies potential content gaps from the submissions received and further evaluates the Online Review Committee’s highest-rated proposals. Given the volume of proposals received each year, additional review and dialogue is necessary to guarantee a variety of speakers, perspectives, and content that is timely, relevant, targeted, and of the highest quality.
- ASIS International Staff: With a history of providing highly relevant GSX content, key ASIS International staff members offer additional feedback on program design to ensure sessions are strategically aligned and include a balance of perspectives.
Are there any helpful tips for the proposal process?
- Once you hit the Submit Application button, your proposal is officially submitted, and you WILL NOT be able to make changes.
- If you would like to save your work and continue later, send yourself an email to pick up where you left off. (See the box on the right hand side of the screen for this option.)
- If you are submitting multiple proposals, you must re-enter all of your data. (Reminder accepted speakers can present no more than two sessions at GSX.)
- The primary point of contact is the individual who submits the proposal; ASIS will communicate directly with the primary contact when the session notification(s) are distributed.
- Upon successful submission, the primary contact will receive an email confirmation.