Attend GSX for 50% Off
ASIS International is offering discounted registration to members in 138 emerging market countries to ensure that GSX is reflective of our diverse community. ASIS International members can use code EM50%25 for 50% off All-Access registration. Check your eligibility below.
Eligible Countries
ASIS International members, in good standing, who reside in the following countries are eligible to receive the emerging markets discount.
Afghanistan | Georgia | Niger |
Albania | Ghana | Nigeria |
Algeria | Grenada | North Macedonia |
Angola | Guatemala | Pakistan |
Argentina | Guinea | Papua New Guinea |
Armenia | Guinea-Bissau | Paraguay |
Azerbaijan | Haiti | Peru |
Bangladesh | Honduras | Philippines |
Belarus | India | Rwanda |
Belize | Indonesia | Samoa |
Benin | Iran, Islamic Rep | São Tomé and Principe |
Bhutan | Iraq | Senegal |
Bolivia | Jamaica | Serbia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Jordan | Sierra Leone |
Botswana | Kazakhstan | Solomon Islands |
Brazil | Kenya | Somalia |
Burkina Faso | Kiribati | South Africa |
Burundi | Korea, Dem. People's Rep. | South Sudan |
Cabo Verde | Kosovo | Sri Lanka |
Cambodia | Kyrgyz Republic | St. Lucia |
Cameroon | Lao PDR | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Central African Republic | Lebanon | Sudan |
Chad | Lesotho | Suriname |
China | Liberia | Syrian Arab Republic |
Colombia | Libya | Tajikistan |
Comoros | Madagascar | Tanzania |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | Malawi | Thailand |
Congo, Rep. | Malaysia | Timor-Leste |
Costa Rica | Maldives | Togo |
Côte d'Ivoire | Mali | Tonga |
Cuba | Marshall Islands | Tunisia |
Djibouti | Mauritania | Türkiye |
Dominica | Mauritius | Turkmenistan |
Dominican Republic | Mexico | Tuvalu |
Ecuador | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | Uganda |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | Moldova | Ukraine |
El Salvador | Mongolia | Uzbekistan |
Equatorial Guinea | Montenegro | Vanuatu |
Eritrea | Morocco | Venezuela |
Eswatini | Mozambique | Vietnam |
Ethiopia | Myanmar | West Bank and Gaza |
Fiji | Namibia | Yemen, Rep. |
Gabon | Nepal | Zambia |
Gambia, The | Nicaragua | Zimbabwe |