Why Exhibit at GSX? Hear from Active Intelligence

The GSX exhibit hall features a variety of exhibitors, each sharing technological innovations designed to improve the world of security. We talked with Ryan LaMarca, Director of Marketing at Active Intelligence, to learn more about what they’re looking forward to about GSX ’23.

Q: What is the name of your company and what are you exhibiting this year? 

RL: We’re Active Intelligence, an international video security technology firm on a mission to drive the industry into the future with a flagship product that transforms video security systems from a forensic resource to a prevention tool. Started in 2019 by a trio of security industry leaders and visionaries, Active Intelligence builds upon a foundation of deep industry knowledge developed through a combined 100+ years of experience in corporate security, public safety, and homeland security. 

We’re excited to showcase our flagship Anomaly Detection solution, ASTRA, at GSX this year. ASTRA brings real-time anomalous activity alerts to the industry’s leading VMS platforms, allowing operators to act immediately and intervene on an event of interest, or even prevent it from happening. The solution leverages the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to put virtual eyes on your entire video security network 24/7/365, detect any type of anomalous event without the need for rule configuration, and allows security teams to make use of 100% of their video security investment.  

Q: Why did you choose to exhibit at GSX in 2023? 

RL: GSX is a great opportunity for Active Intelligence to show the industry – namely potential integration partners – the power of ASTRA and anomaly detection. It brings the industry’s most forward-thinking, highly certified integrators who we believe are best suited to offer ASTRA to their existing client base and support the product and end user into the future.  

This event is a great opportunity to show the industry’s tech-savvy security end users from a wide variety of verticals how ASTRA’s flexibility and unlimited detection capabilities can be applied to their specific use case.  

Exhibiting at GSX also allows attendees to compare our product side by side with video analytics solutions, making it easy for them to see how unique our anomaly detection solution truly is.  

Q: What are you looking forward to about this year’s GSX? 

RL: Our team is excited to meet with the industry’s best integrators and end users to show them exactly how ASTRA can help improve security operation, operator efficiency, and make the most of their entire video security investment with the latest AI-powered anomaly detection technology.  

We’re also looking forward to meeting with industry technology leaders to foster relationships for future integrations and collaborations, ensuring that ASTRA works seamlessly with the leading video management systems.

Ryan LaMarca 
Director of Marketing 
Active Intelligence