Crafting Your Path to Success: The Power of Branding & Reputational Management

In anticipation of GSX, we sat down with presenters of upcoming sessions in order to get a better understanding of the topics at hand. This week we are featuring, “Crafting Your Path to Success: The Power of Branding & Reputational Management,” presented by Allison Sands, CPP, VP Corporate Security and Resilience at Gilead Sciences, Brittany Galli, CEO at BFG Ventures, Elizabeth Moslander, CPP, Security Consultant at ELM-LTD, and Natasha Ryan, VP Communications at The North Group. Read on for what they had to say and don’t forget to register for GSX 2024!

Q: How did you become interested in your topic?

AS: Each of us has a personal brand, whether we intentionally create one or not. My interest in personal branding stems from a desire to be proactive in strategically positioning myself for career success while still being my authentic self. The security industry can seem homogeneous, and early in my career, I felt pressure to conform to a “typical” security persona. However, with time and many missteps, I recognized the importance honoring and amplifying my values, expertise, and unique attributes. While it made it harder to “fit in” at first, I realized that building a strong personal brand that aligned with my values would help me build a network of meaningful connections. Moreover, I became fascinated by how a well-crafted brand could differentiate individuals in a competitive landscape by helping them stand out and attract new opportunities. 

Q: Tell us about your presentation and why security professionals should have this topic on their radar.  

BG: It’s more valuable now than ever to build a strong and valuable reputation. Branding yourself locally and globally is a must in this workforce revolution and our panel aims to give leaders the tools to thrive reputationally in the security industry. 

Q: What advice would you give security professionals interested in this topic? 

EM: In today’s digital age, where information travels rapidly and perceptions can be formed in an instant, mastering the art of branding and reputational management is more critical than ever. It requires self-awareness, consistency, and a commitment to presenting yourself or your brand in the best possible light, both online and offline. Authenticity helps build credibility and trust with your audience. People are more likely to engage with and trust individuals and brands that have a positive and reputable online presence. By proactively managing your online reputation, it helps mitigate the risk of negative publicity or reputational damage.  

Q: How do you see this issue evolving in the next 2-5 years? 

NR: We live in a culture where accountability is now paramount. A company’s reputation is everything, and if there is one hint of a lack of transparency during a crisis, that company risks being abruptly canceled. It comes down to authenticity and owning one’s part in a crisis or scandal. I don’t see the standards lessening over the next 2-5 years. In fact, I see branding for companies getting more relatable, more than just business, letting clients see behind the curtain. Who a company is, its values, and its mission will matter more in 5 years than they do now. That reputation and branding will be pivotal in how a company can come back from a crisis.  

Q: Why do you attend GSX? 

BG: I attend GSX for industry networking and the executive learning content education sessions. It’s an international conference that helps build a valuable and irreplaceable professional network.