Simple and Practical Activities In Putting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Into Action

In anticipation of GSX, we sat down with presenters of upcoming sessions in order to get a better understanding of the topics at hand. This week we are featuring, “Simple And Practical Activities In Putting Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Into Action,” presented by Donna Kobzaruk, Chair of the ASIS North American Regional Board of Directors and Executive Director at JP Morgan Chase and Melissa Mack, Director at Pinkerton. Read on for what they had to say and don’t forget to register for GSX 2022! 

Q: How did you become interested in your topic? 

DK: I’ve always been passionate about supporting the under-represented having a voice. Melissa and I were talking and thought we needed to communicate our best practices for simple steps to create a DE&I program. What better forum than GSX!! 

Q: Tell us about your presentation and why should security professionals have this topic on their radar? 

MM: It is important for employees to feel comfortable in bringing their true selves to work every day and this presentation identifies actionable ways to create that environment. Doing so invites the essence of critical thinking into the way we protect assets. Threat actors and methods are not homogeneous so neither should approaches we take in risk management.  

Q: What advice would you give security professionals interested in this topic?  

DK: Attend the session. If you walk out with one recommendation to put into practice, trust that it will change lives.  

Q: How do you see this issue evolving in the next 2-5 years?  

MM: The next 2-5 years are critical in DEI efforts as we continue to see division and polarization threatening societies that influence professional environments. Organizations and leaders recognizing the value of creating inclusive work cultures and prioritizing resources in doing so will be better positioned with talent management, innovative transformations, and corporate social responsibility.