Thank you for your interest in holding a meeting or event in conjunction with GSX 2025! ASIS International welcomes affiliated organizations, ASIS Communities and Chapters, exhibitors, advertisers, and/or sponsors to meet and host functions during ASIS-approved dates and times in conjunction with GSX 2025.
In our ongoing commitment to fostering a secure and reputable environment for all our stakeholders, ASIS International is implementing an official policy and registration process for all events associated with or deemed “in conjunction with” Global Security Exchange (GSX). This decision is motivated by the imperative to safeguard the brand integrity of ASIS and GSX, and the brand equity and substantial investments of our key stakeholders. Please read the full ICW Mission Statement.
ASIS requires all organizations wishing to hold functions with 50 or more attendees in any location within the same metropolitan area as GSX to register their event and receive ASIS approval prior to promoting or implementing the function. We strongly recommend that organizations do not contract meeting space directly with venues until they have received approval from ASIS to hold an event during GSX.
Please click here for the ICW Guidelines for GSX 2025.
Approved for an ICW event?
Use this logo to help promote your logo.
Still have questions? Please click here for the ICW FAQs.